Anyone know how to remove a Part that is stuck in the Non-Netable Bin? Our shipping puts items in a Non-Netable BIN ready to be shipped. We occasionally have items get shipped but never leave the BIN. I am not really sure why. Can any help how to get an item out of the BIN that has been shipped?
Hi, Kim. If you do a BAQ on the ShipDtl record that failed to update the inventory, do you see that “UpdatedInventory” column is equal to false / 0? If so, you should be able to use this as the indicator to show all cases where this has occurred. Perhaps you could create a report to provide visibility of this happening in the future.
I think systematically, if you cannot get the inventory to transact through the shipment entry screen, I believe Epicor support has a fix for you to run that takes care of resolving this.
Financially speaking, if you do not care to update previous errors and just want to clear out the inventory in the bins by any easiest means necessary, if you confirm that a certain part corresponded with a shipment that did not update inventory, you could potentially use the quantity adjust screen with a reason code which matches the shipping GL account to balance the shipment transaction. Just throwing out some ideas.