Odata BAQ into Excel - Evaluation Ran Out of Memory and Can't Continue

Hi, we are using odata rest in excel to load a BAQ. Issue being with this particular query that it’s 300,000 rows and we get the error ‘Evaluation Ran out of memory and can’t continue’ after 35,000 rows loaded.

Kinetic Dashboards seem to be limited to exporting 5000 rows. Classic Dashboard does load the query but hangs when trying to export it to excel.

Is there anything else I can try to get this data into excel so it is refreshable to the end user ? Is there any harm in writing a stored procedure to get the data and pull this through ? Any other ideas ?

This might be frowned upon by some, but all of our ‘serious’ reporting happens outside of Epicor via Stored Procedures.

We are in the process of setting up a read-only replica of our Epicor database on a separate ‘Data Warehouse’ server, to allow us to perform intensive queries without affecting our live Epicor database.

Are you running on prem ? How often would your read-only replica be updated ? Interested to see how this would work :slight_smile:

Yes, on-prem. I have a friend at another company that is Cloud-Based but they have a local read-only replica of their Epicor database. I’m not sure on the details of how that works.

It’s essentially real-time. Look into Transactional replication.

We are still testing, but seems promising.