I’m trying to get Epicor data into PowerBI and learning the REST calls as I go. Returning BAQs seems to be a bit erratic, sometimes great and others really slow or not at all and there’s no obvious reason why.
One I’m stuck on at the moment is returning data using Postman in less than a second, but when trying exactly the same from PowerBI I get the message
We couldn’t parse OData response result. Error: The property ‘BI_SalesOrdersToday_OrderHed_Company’ does not exist on type ‘Ice.QueryResult’. Make sure to only use property names that are defined by the type.
I have the same issue with a calculated field in Excel using Odata, any suggested solutions?
Removing this calculated column, the error message is gone, but I need this column.
As far as I know, the solution is to create a new column without any underscores and use that. But I’d also be glad to hear if there is now a better way round the problem.