ODBC drivers from Progress 11.3 or greater needed for Source Day implementation

Hi - Just wondering if anyone that is still on E9 - Progress database, has had any experience with obtaining Progress ODBC drivers that are more up-to-date then what came with our software? I am being asked by Source Day to go onto the Progress web site to download both the 32 bit and 64 bit Progress ODBC drivers (Progress Data Direct ODBC OE drivers). They want me to obtain the 11.3 or greater version of these drivers. I do not have the correct Serial numbers and IPE numbers to do this. Would appreciate any input someone could provide regarding this.

Thanks so much!

Jill Schoedel

I contacted Progress a couple of years ago about ODBC drivers.
In my case the offerings were a little expensive for what I wanted to do. I ended up sticking with those included in the Epicor application.

But, here is some info from Progress… from 2015.

URLs below should direct you to the driver download area:

For 64-bit
UNIX/Linux: http://www.progress.com/downloadinstruct/connect64-and-connect64-for-odbc-software-for-unix-linux

Windows: http://www.progress.com/downloadinstruct/connect64-and-connect64-for-odbc-software-for-windows

Product Documentation: Progress Documentation

Quick Start Guides: Progress Documentation

Senior Corporate Accounts Manager
DIRECT +1 919-461-4206 | MOBILE +1 512-633-4391

I was under the understanding Progress supplied the ODBC drivers free now, but happy to be corrected.

Progress OpenEdge ODBC Driver Downloads | Progress DataDirect.

I’m using them to connect to our legacy system (not E9) for data conversion. Primarily using OpenQuery.

Ran into a few issues with regards to extracting dates and the SQL schema differences and the progress schema, also had to have the dbtool run a few time to fix data length issues.

Those drivers are a trial version only. You have to purchase the full version. I contacted Epicor and they sent me a bunch of information for Source Day. I will let you know if that information from Epicor was helpful or not. Thanks so much for your reply:>)
Have a great day!
