(Off Topic) Routing (paperless) software suggestio ns

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-----Original Message-----
From: jfekkes <jfekkes@...> [mailto:jfekkes@...]
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2003 7:49 AM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] (Off Topic) Routing (paperless) software suggestions

We are currently striving toward a paperless system...and are in
process of reviewing software that allows for routing of forms with
the ability to create the forms, create the routing, set time limits
for approvals, allow for redirections of forms, and allow for
reporting from this information, etc. We were also looking for some
intergration into and out of Vantage.

We would love to hear from any of you that have reviewed this type of
software, or are using a form routing software, presently.

Thank you in advance.

Joy Fekkes
Jaco, Inc

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