Official or Self Assigned SSL Certificate

Curious what most installations are using for SSL Certificates. Our network is a closed network without outside access. Currently we use a self assigned cert.

Should we still consider a public ssl cert. or use a self assigned cert.? I would think a self assigned would be fine but Kinetic is recommending an “official” certificate from an certificate authority.

There are LOTS of posts about this.

The TL;DR, IMHO, get a real cert from or Let’s Encrypt. The amount of trouble people have had working with the self-signed certs is mind-boggling.

Your local DNS situation may affect your success.

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Active Directory also provide certificate authority, so it is not necessary to use self-signed in the isolated networks


Certify the web looks promising. Thanks for the tip.

Thank @EarlGrei, he’s the one that brought it to the forum!

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If your ERP network is 100% isolated you are going to have a rough time using Certify as the certificates are only valid for 90 days then need to be renewed. If your Epicor server has internet ACCESS then it could be made to work using DNS Auth for the certs (depending on your external DNS provider) But if you are 100% OFFLINE for this network then I would recommend just getting a Signed Cert from a Big Name SSL Vendor and moving on with your life. A basic SSL cert shouldn’t cost you much.


If you’re using EKW by Biscit (wireless warehouse), the newer app versions don’t play nice (or at all) with a self signed certificate.

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