I’m testing adding Windows authentication to our Demo 10.2.500 server. I’ve added a new application server that points to the same database but I cannot connect to the application server. I get the error that the user is not setup for SSO.
When you configured the App server binding did it test successfully? Might be helpful to see that config too. I have a .500 environment I could compare to
Was the user setup as SSO before the upgrade?
If so make a change (any small change) to the User in Epicor 500 and Save
I had a similar issue when we tested Azure AD, something (not sure what) changed in 500 and it required a “refresh” of the account…
Check the Require SSO Checkbox and Save and then revert… (or something of the sort)
We use Windows binding on our primary App (PRD_102300). And I added another App(PRD_102300_WUC) to use Windows User Channel (actually called “Username Windows Channel” in EAC), and everything works fine.
The 3rd sheet (Admin Console) has a significant Diffs. User Win Channel requires an Epicor user and password to be specified (one that is a Sec Manager, I’d guess)
One more question though. With a new appserver, do I have to worry about BPMs, etc. running on both appServers? Is there a configuration piece I’m missing like the shared folder?