Optimisation Software

I am assuming they are in the woodworking industry ? If they are we use
Cut-Rite optimization software for a Holzma panel saw, however, we do not do
any form of import/export with regard to Vantage. Please feel free to contact
me if you should have any specific questions.

Gary Waldman
KRG Enterprises
Hi Group

I have a friend that would like to use Vantage, but is unsure wheteher it
would suit some of his machine software. is anybody familiar with
optimisation software or know of GIBEN Optimisation software for a GIBEN
CNC saw? (A German company I believe).

Thanks in advance

Gary Parfrey
Steatite Group Limited
Tel: 0044 (0)121 678 6834
Fax: 0044 (0)121 683 6998

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