Order Entry --> Explorer: Parameter Error when clicking on Shipment Card

Can anyone check to see if this is an “Us” issue or if you are seeing the same behavior, please?

Inside any closed/complete order:

  1. Open the Explorer Tab
  2. Click on the linked Shipment (Example below: 544)
  3. See if it opens for you…

We are getting the following error upon doing this (I am not sure when this started for us with regard to getting the error).

This is happening in our Dev., Pilot, and Production environments.

If somebody else can confirm it, I’ll write up an Epicor Ticket for it. If not, any ideas as to what the following error means?

“Parameter whereClauseMXShipHeadCustRegime is not found in the input object”


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Also see it. Not just you.

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Sweet; thank you!!! I’ll make a ticket it for it right now on Epicor.

We have this issue as well - I made a ticket for it right at the end of December. Support created PRB0290733 and it’s expected to be fixed in 2025.1


2023.2.11 on-prem here…it works, sort of…

Opened an order, went to Explorer, I clicked on the shipment, called up a sidebar list, I picked the one that appeared and it went to Customer Shipment Entry OK.


I tried another one for which the shipment was in another site/plant…and it hourglassed when I clicked the shipment. Didn’t throw a hard error, cleared eventually…but still didn’t work nonetheless. Also didn’t see entries come up for drop shipment orders…just the order and the invoice in the Explorer tab.

So something isn’t quite right.

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@EricJActivate Thank you. I actually searched the repository before I posted here and didn’t find your problem, but now after going to it directly, I see it… It’s hard finding things sometimes on that repository…

Thanks for posting and getting it done! Surprised it is taking so long to get that one out.