[OT] Central Pennsylvania Vantage Users Group (CPaVUG) meeting

*Central Pennsylvania Vantage Users Group (CPaVUG) meeting announcement*

*Next meeting is Thursday, March 15, from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM, in Reamstown,

The CPaVUG would like to extend an invitation to this meeting to Epicor
ERP, Vantage and Vista users, and any other i-Solutions users (prospective
Epicor ERP users), within Pennsylvania and the surrounding states.

*The group will review and discuss scheduling.* The group itself will
provide the content for the topic, i.e. members will present how they use
the scheduling functionality in their own businesses. Mercer Sisson, IT
manager at Insaco Inc., will lead the group�s discussions. As some of you
already know, Mercer is very knowledgeable about the scheduling features
and their underlying prerequisites.

The meeting will be held at the Reamstown Fire Company, located at 12 West
Church Street, Reamstown, PA
The cost of the meeting is $15.00 per person and cash is the preferred
method of payment. Coffee and doughnuts will be available around 8:30 AM
and lunch will be provided (included in cost). Please contact Russ
Dover<rdover@...>(chair, 717-336-7507, ext. 243) or Mercer
Sisson <ams@...> (vice-chair, 215-536-3500) if you would like to
attend the meeting or to obtain more information about
The deadline for submitting the number of attendees is end-of-business
today, so all registrations are respectfully requested today, with
apologies for the late notice.

Please feel free to forward this invitation to any other Epicor ERP
software users within the indicated area that you know are not subscribers
to this list.

Scott Lepley

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Central Pennsylvania Vantage Users Group (CPaVUG) meeting announcement

Next meeting is Thursday, March 18, from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM, in Reamstown,

The CPaVUG would like to extend an invitation to their next meeting to
Epicor 9 and Vantage users (all versions), Vista users (versions 6.x and
8.x) and any other Epicor i-Solutions users (prospective Epicor 9 users)
within Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, DC, Virginia,
and West Virginia.

The group will review and discuss data integration via various methods.
Several members will present how they use the application's list view/paste
insert functionality to import/export data for customers, BOM's and
accounting entries. Mark Gilbert, an Epicor CAM for Pennsylvania, has
arranged for a webex presentation of Insite's Manifest and Commerce products
by Nancy Brehmer of Insite, and for the attendance of an Epicor System
Engineer to give an overview of Service Connect to the group. A
presentation regarding Pervasive may also be included, but that is not
certain at this time. If time permits, an overview of DbVisualizer may also
be presented.

Please contact Russ <mailto:rdover@...> Dover (chair,
717-336-7507, ext. 243) or A. <mailto:ams@...> Mercer Sisson
(vice-chair, 215-536-3500) if you would like to attend the meeting or to
obtain more information about CPaVUG
<http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/cpavug/> . The meeting is being held at
the Reamstown Fire Company, located at 12 West Church Street, Reamstown, PA
7> 17578

Please feel free to forward this invitation to any Epicor Manufacturing
Solutions software users within the indicated area that you know are not
subscribers to this list.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I would like to attend if it is not too late.
Thank you,
Warren Klug
Lion Brothers Company Inc.
 410 363 1000 x-234

--- On Thu, 3/11/10, sysadmin@... <sysadmin@...> wrote:

From: sysadmin@... <sysadmin@...>
Subject: [Vantage] [OT] Central Pennsylvania Vantage Users Group (CPaVUG) meeting
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com, epicor9@yahoogroups.com
Date: Thursday, March 11, 2010, 7:32 AM


Central Pennsylvania Vantage Users Group (CPaVUG) meeting announcement

Next meeting is Thursday, March 18, from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM, in Reamstown,

The CPaVUG would like to extend an invitation to their next meeting to
Epicor 9 and Vantage users (all versions), Vista users (versions 6.x and
8.x) and any other Epicor i-Solutions users (prospective Epicor 9 users)
within Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, DC, Virginia,
and West Virginia.

The group will review and discuss data integration via various methods.
Several members will present how they use the application' s list view/paste
insert functionality to import/export data for customers, BOM's and
accounting entries. Mark Gilbert, an Epicor CAM for Pennsylvania, has
arranged for a webex presentation of Insite's Manifest and Commerce products
by Nancy Brehmer of Insite, and for the attendance of an Epicor System
Engineer to give an overview of Service Connect to the group. A
presentation regarding Pervasive may also be included, but that is not
certain at this time. If time permits, an overview of DbVisualizer may also
be presented.

Please contact Russ <mailto:rdover@weaverind. com> Dover (chair,
717-336-7507, ext. 243) or A. <mailto:ams@...> Mercer Sisson
(vice-chair, 215-536-3500) if you would like to attend the meeting or to
obtain more information about CPaVUG
<http://tech. groups.yahoo. com/group/ cpavug/> . The meeting is being held at
the Reamstown Fire Company, located at 12 West Church Street, Reamstown, PA
<http://maps. google.com/ maps?f=q& source=s_ q&hl=en&geocode= &q=12+West+ Church+
Street,+Reamstown, +PA+17578& sll=37.0625, -95.677068& sspn=58.816238, 75.9375&ie
=UTF8&hq=&hnear= 12+W+Church+ St,+Reamstown, +Lancaster, +Pennsylvania+ 17578&z=1
7> 17578

Please feel free to forward this invitation to any Epicor Manufacturing
Solutions software users within the indicated area that you know are not
subscribers to this list.


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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]