I find the best way to treat phone spam at home is to ask the caller to wait
while you answer the door, place the handset next to the phone and replace
the receiver later that night just before you retire for the night or when
they've given up. I always return junk snail mail if the reply is pre-paid.
E-mailing spammers a nice large encrypted file seems to slow their servers
and help support fellow IT personnel maintain their jobs.
-----Original Message-----
From: Troy Funte [mailto:tfunte@...]
Sent: Friday, April 05, 2002 4:22 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [Vantage] OT Spam relief
I tried this and it said my name was not on their server. I wonder if it is
On the phone spam digression... I have found that if a salesperson calls on
the phone, a simple "excuse me sir... excuse me sir (it takes a few of these
to stop the flow of reading off the page)... excuse me sir. Will you take
my name off your list?".... (silence)... "Ah, yes (begins reading another
script)... we would be glad to take your name off our list so that you will
never be called again. It may take a few weeks to take effect, so if you do
get another call just tell them you are not interested. So sorry to bother
By law, they CANNOT call you again without severe penalties if you ask to be
removed from their list. I used to just say, "I'm not interested", after
which they would keep talking another few lines and I would have to
interrupt again. Then they would say, "I'll call back at a more convenient
Use the words, "Take my name and number off your list."
Troy Funte
Liberty Electronics
while you answer the door, place the handset next to the phone and replace
the receiver later that night just before you retire for the night or when
they've given up. I always return junk snail mail if the reply is pre-paid.
E-mailing spammers a nice large encrypted file seems to slow their servers
and help support fellow IT personnel maintain their jobs.
-----Original Message-----
From: Troy Funte [mailto:tfunte@...]
Sent: Friday, April 05, 2002 4:22 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [Vantage] OT Spam relief
I tried this and it said my name was not on their server. I wonder if it is
On the phone spam digression... I have found that if a salesperson calls on
the phone, a simple "excuse me sir... excuse me sir (it takes a few of these
to stop the flow of reading off the page)... excuse me sir. Will you take
my name off your list?".... (silence)... "Ah, yes (begins reading another
script)... we would be glad to take your name off our list so that you will
never be called again. It may take a few weeks to take effect, so if you do
get another call just tell them you are not interested. So sorry to bother
By law, they CANNOT call you again without severe penalties if you ask to be
removed from their list. I used to just say, "I'm not interested", after
which they would keep talking another few lines and I would have to
interrupt again. Then they would say, "I'll call back at a more convenient
Use the words, "Take my name and number off your list."
Troy Funte
Liberty Electronics