We are using 905.701 and are unable to enter a negative number when reporting. Would this be something new in 702 or are we going about this incorrectly?
---In vantage@yahoogroups.com, <jordan.k@...> wrote:We use 9.905.702. What we have done is in MES when you �end activity�, we just enter a negative number and this adjusts the quantity produced. This would be done before the job has been closed. Works for us on serial tracked parts.
From: ygroups.adamleer@...<mailto:ygroups.adamleer@...>
Sent: �Tuesday�, �November� �05�, �2013 �10�:�14� �AM
To: Vantage Yahoo Group<mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com>
Well, I'd still be interested to know what other people have to do, but here is what we ended up doing after some help with Epicor Support. (I am still not convinced this is the best solution, especially since the Epicor tech kept saying "I guess you could..." and "I think...")
1. Create a "Bogus" serial number for the part on the job
* There may already be a "BOGUS" serial number for the part, in which case you can just re-use that one, changing the details outlined below.
* After it is saved, change the Status to Inventory and the Warehouse/Bin should be set to the location the job receipted to.
* Set the JobNum to be the job we are dealing with.
2. Undo the second Job Receipt to Inventory
* You do this like a standard Job Receipt to Inventory, except using a negative quantity
3. Use Return Material to reverse the second, erroneous issue of materials on the job.
SQL to Verify Correct Quantities are Issued to Job
SELECT IssuedComplete, JobNum, AssemblySeq, MtlSeq, PartNum, RequiredQty, IUM, IssuedQty, TotalCost,
[Off] = CASE WHEN RequiredQty <> IssuedQty THEN 'OFF' ELSE '' END
FROM Epicor905..JobMtl
ORDER BY [Off] DESC, JobNum, AssemblySeq, MtlSeq
4. Now the job can be closed. The receipted quantity should match the prod quantity, since we performed the reverse inventory receipt in step one.
Note: The labor costs will still need to be accounted for - the hours will show as double what they normally would be.
[Bully Dog Logo]<http://www.bullydog.com>
Jordan Klassen | Information Technology
TEL: 940-783-9914 ext: 1828
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---In vantage@yahoogroups.com, <ygroups.adamleer@...> wrote:
We have a job with a serial tracked part, and the job was over-reported (prod qty was 1, currently reported quantity is 2) somehow, even though there is only one serial number associated with the job.
How do we un-report or reverse the transaction for the second quantity of (1)? The labor transactions have, unfortunately, already posted - so we can't just delete the second one.
If I try to do a (-1) labor quantity on a start/end labor activity (or in time and expense entry), the error message is "Too many complete serial numbers specified." I even tried manually creating a "BOGUS" serial number and assigning it to the job. Epicor still won't let me report a -1 quantity, whatever status I have the serial number at (I have tried almost all of them). It seems impossible because Epicor won't let me save the transaction due to it having the wrong number of serial numbers selected, yet there is no way to select -1 serial numbers!
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