Owner company

Hi everyone,

I’m trying to change something in BPM Workflow Designer. However, my BPM Workflow Designer was in Read-only mode. My company is a multi-company and has an owner company.
So I got the owner company’s authority and went into the same menu as here. However, in this BPM of Owner Company, only this feature of Owner company could be modified.
If I want to modify this feature of a subsidiary company, where in the owner company can I do that?
Thanks in advance!

You can only make changes in the Owning company. If you want to have different results in other companies, there are several ways to do it.

  1. You could add condition blocks that tests the current company and based on the outcome you could send via a different e-mail template (or do something different all together).
  2. Or - Make the BPM Company Dependent and then do the same BPM in each company altering the data.
  3. Or - Create a mechanism where you pull the data from a UD table based on the company. You can then use that information within 1 Company Independent BPM without doing either of the previous steps.

We use method #3 so we can update/alter information based on process updates and personnel turnover.