Thanks for the feedback. Found the manifest information right after typing this, and the BPM is a great idea.
--- In, <snielsen.hipco@...> wrote:
> We needed to know before the packing slip level if an order was COD or paid by credit card. I customized the Crystal report to print ***COD*** or ***Credit Card*** in big bold letters on pick lists if the terms are COD or credit card. You could probably do the same on the pack slip. --- In, msantillan@ wrote: In the customer entry there is a COD box under manifest. This is under the main Manifest and under each ship to. IF this box is checked, the packing slip will print out COD order on it. At least on our 9.05.607A.
> From: [mailto: ] On Behalf Of sanfranc415
> Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2013 3:13 PM
> To:
> Subject: [Vantage] Packing slip with COD customers
> Our financial officer would like the shipping clerk to know if a customer's COD or not that would be printed on the pack slip. I see there's a check box on the "Shipping Entry" screen, but this requires the clerk to first check the customer and identify their terms.
> --sf
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]