We'll see that on 6.1 if the person starts the receipt and then closes it instead of deleting it - it'll leave a blank receipt. Then they'll go in and re-do it and we'll have one receipt that's blank and another (slightly modified packing slip #) with the valid PO receipt information. Have they checked to see if there is another "packing slip" for that vendor waiting to be pulled in? I go in occassionally and clean up all the blank receipts, so it isn't that uncommon here.
Hope that's what is happening, so you can straighten it out.
Julie Lehmann
Mercury Minnesota Inc.
We'll see that on 6.1 if the person starts the receipt and then closes it instead of deleting it - it'll leave a blank receipt. Then they'll go in and re-do it and we'll have one receipt that's blank and another (slightly modified packing slip #) with the valid PO receipt information. Have they checked to see if there is another "packing slip" for that vendor waiting to be pulled in? I go in occassionally and clean up all the blank receipts, so it isn't that uncommon here.
Hope that's what is happening, so you can straighten it out.
Julie Lehmann
Mercury Minnesota Inc.
----- Original Message -----
From: Dina Hieber
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Friday, November 11, 2011 7:18 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Packling Slip Received - But Not Available for Invoicing 5.2
We have been running Vantage 5.2 for 11 years we have NEVER had this issue
before. BUT we just hired a new person for receiving and all of a sudden
this is appears. I have no idea what he is doing.
We have a PO. It shows line one has been received complete and shows the
packing slip #.
When a/p goes to pull the packing slip up to invoice, it shows the packing
slip but no items are available. When we look at the p/s under receipt
entry, it is blank. No lines are there.
Any idea's?
Best Regards,
Dina M. Hieber
Vamco International, Inc.
555 Epsilon Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15238
(412) 963-7100 x 203
(412) 963-9511
<http://www.vamcointernational.com> www.vamcointernational.com
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