I was doing some searching last week on a problem I’m having with integration of the URL field on Ship Via setup and in one of the results saw a screen that had data fields for Internal & External weights and dims. I looked at this as a great opportunity for us to be able to enter specific part weight & dims and then the weight & dims of that item as it’s palletized. I know under Part Attributes there’s a general dimension field that could be utilized (we currently aren’t), but is anyone familiar with an option to put part attributes vs it’s attributes when its shipped?
Some of our parts may ship as 1 per pallet or multiple per pallet so there’s benefit in me knowing what the part itself is vs how it’s typically palletized so I know if I can join other items on the pallet. We also have a few sales kits so it’s multiple mixed item on a pallet so that would bring some unique scenarios as well. My searches today yielded some results regarding Package Control which seems to have the fields I need, but at quick glance wouldn’t be specific enough to my needs - maybe I’m just overlooking that and you guys will have the right answer.
Right now we’re logging palletization data in Excel files and I’m dumping orders into Excel and doing lookups to try to get rough freight cubes for upcoming shipments. I also realize there’s other software that could be the database for that information that will give me the visualization of the load - this is also something I’m exploring if anyone has any recommendations there.