Part Class ID and Group

Class ID and Group are disabled in 1 Company but on other company its enabled. Is there a reason?

First company has some kind of customization. Either via field security maintenance or a form customization (extended properties). Prod Group & Class are, out of the box, not locked down in any way and can be changed at any time (which might not be the best thing given that they can mess with inventory GL accounts).


If you are linking global parts via multi company there are some fields you cannot change once the part is linked and you are not the owning company. I believe these two fields cannot be updated. You can add the same part manually to both companies and not ‘link’ them if you want the ability to update setups. I don’t believe that has any impact on multi company processing.


Yes there were some customizations done. I Took out the global lock and it worked . Thanks for your reply :slight_smile:

Yes I took out global link and it worked. Thanks for the response :slight_smile: