Part Parent

Can’t you just do a getByID on the part (note I didn’t read the other 19 entries above LoL)

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Lemme try that

Ok now I read the 19 other things and I’m still lost.

Let’s take a step back if you are gonna do (whatever it is) let’s do it right.

a) What are you trying to do? (not what fields do you need, what are you trying to do over-all explain this project , or at least this piece of the project)

b) Is it a customization, a BPM, an integration, where are you making your changes and how are they triggered?

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					// Declare and create an instance of the Adapter.
					PartAdapter adapterCompany = new PartAdapter(this.oTrans);

					// Call Adapter method
					bool result = adapterCompany.GetByID( edvECORev.dataView[edvECORev.Row]["PartNum"].ToString() );

 					var test = adapterCompany.CompanyData.XaSyst.Rows;

				} catch (Exception ex) { ExceptionBox.Show(ex); }

New Engineering workbench customization. Adding new button to check part for all sites and copy the sites down into each MTL (i think it helps with the MRP engine)

What do you mean by that? A site is not a material expand?

You don’t create the sites in engineering workbench. That happens in Part Entry.

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TL;DR: If I change/add a site to a part, I want that site passed all of the way down to sub-parts

  1. Part X created in Parent company
  2. Link part x in another company
  3. Change/Add site to Part X
  4. Check out Rev of Part X
  5. Click new ‘Sync ECOmtl button’
  6. Should add the new site to rev and all mtl’s underneath
  7. alert pass or fail
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So have you listed out of of the steps to do it manually (without customization)?

Start in part entry, and add your site, then check it out in engineering and get details, ( I don’t have multi site/company, so I don’t know if you can get details from another site). Then check it all in.

Your customization should follow the same steps if you were to do it manually. And you can use the trace to use the same BO’s that Epicor does.


So are you trying to create Site Specific BOMs? (Alt Methods?)
Cause if that’s the case that’s not how you do it (by adding Site into the BOM as Material)

Haso already did the alt methods

No worries I’ll figure it out!

Erm… ok but you should really get some better understanding before you proceed.

Do you know why you are doing this? It doesn’t make a ton of sense to add the Site as a Material, not sure how that would ever improve MRP?
And it would cause some insane looking BOMs

What’s the end goal? Sorry to push, but again do it right if you gonna do it :slight_smile: (I’m pushy you’ll learn that quickly)


I have a part; that part has a site. The part has a revision. You check out the revision and you can add parts as materials. These parts can have their own site and revision so on so forth. When I change the parent part’s site or add a site I want to enable a trickle down to automatically add the site where necessary all the way down recursively.

Make sense? The button I’m making to do this is located on the engineering workbench (when you check out the revision).

I’m doing this because a BA asked me too

I complicated this too much and need to remember the KISS principle. Thanks for everything @Banderson @josecgomez


So what’d you end up doing? #ThinkOfTheNextGuy :slight_smile:


I’ll walk you through it as I do it. On Part Revision, click button and add revision’s site to lower materials recursively. Just whipped up this query. Going to grab all mtls related to revision and add site/plant one by one.

select p.Company, p.PartNum, pp.Plant from Erp.PartRev pr
inner join Erp.PartMtl pm on pm.RevisionNum = pr.RevisionNum 
inner join Erp.Part p on p.PartNum = pm.MtlPartNum
inner join Erp.PartPlant pp on pp.PartNum = pm.MtlPartNum
where pr.PartNum = 'wagonwheel' 
and   pr.Company = '01800000'
and pm.Company = '01800000'
and p.Company = '01800000'
and pp.Company = '01800000'

You keep mentioning queries, are these BAQs?

These are me just writing queries directly against the db

And are you using these in your customization?

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