On PartTracker there are fields for Oty on Hand, Total Reserved, etc- There isnt a field for Qty Available( Qty on Hand minus all the commitments of inventory), how hard is it to get something like this?
The reason it’s not a native field is because there are many definitions of “available” and it’s different for each company.
What tools are you familiar with? Do you know how to do BAQs? Do you know how to make simple customizations? How much code do you know?
There are probably many ways to accomplish this, but nothing super straight forward and easy. It’s probably going to take a few moving parts.
Thats what I figured, im am really only familiar with writing BAQs, haven’t done any type of customization and dont know code.
Hi Alex,
have you tried my solution on this post ? you may need to alter the code to give you what you exactly want i.e. as per your definition of Available QTY