We are trying to load PartBin info via DMT. I can only find a ‘Part Bin Info’ template but researching this table indicates that it pertains to Kanban which is not what we want, we just want the regular PartBin table. Where in DMT do you go to load the standard Part Bin info? Or perhaps with 10.1 the fields for PartBin are loaded via a different table or maybe not even used at all? Thanks for any insight and help.
Epicor version 10.1.600.18
The fields we are looking to load are:
Company PartNum WarehouseCode OnHandQty Plant PrimBinNum
If you want to update PartBin records then you would do the transactions(Receive/Adjust/Transfer/etc) and the PartBin table/records are created/updated automatically.
It sounds like you’ll want to load the On Hand Qty(quantity adjust in) and use the PartWhse DMT to load the PrimBinNum.
You can’t load straight into partBin. You need to do a quantity adjustment, or a receipt or some transaction in the system. The Part Bin table is not directly editable.
OOPS I should read before I respond… ERM>. cough exactly what @jblomstedt said!