Payroll and Labor Hours Differences

Can anyone explain to me why there’s a 0.01 difference between the labor and payroll hours for this employee?

Do you have any payroll rounding rules? We consistently have Payroll different than Production Hours due to this. The fact you are seeing it on just one transaction is a little odd. Perhaps the Grace Period rounding sees it differently than 49/60 = 0.81666666666 ?

Where would I find those rounding rules?

Are you running the modules Epicor Payroll or External Payroll Integration?


We are running “External Payroll Integration” which is an Epicor module (not the standard Payroll one you are running) and there is “External Payroll Class Maintenance”. Here is the screenshot:

Unfortunately I can’t speak to Epicor’s Payroll.

We have some clock in/out allowances, but it doesn’t seem to be close to those.v


That’s weird then. Are there other records that are a minute off or just this one?

This is the only one that we’ve found this week that has had a discrepancy we couldn’t explain.

We are experiencing the same .01 difference and have not been able to identify where it is coming from either.

Perhaps it’s this other thing we found. The clock out-clock in difference may not equal to the same hour total that people have clocked in to operations. We don’t use the payroll or external payroll modules, so those options outlined above are not available to us. BUT we’ve found under Company Maint -> Modules -> Production ->Data Collection there is a check box for Calc Idle Time. This creates an entry automatically when a user logs out, that accounts for the difference in Clock In/Out vs Job Operation total time.

If you are not using those modules and do not ‘calc idle time’ then perhaps you are seeing the rounding difference between clock in/out and job clocking entries.

We do have the Calc Idle Time enabled, but it usually creates a record for “Dead Time”–the code we have set up for that. That’s always been visible to us when the idle time is captured. That doesn’t seem like the case in this instance.

I’m experiencing the same issue. Has anyone come with a solution?

We have idle time set up.

I know this is a old post but did anyone figure out a solution/cause? We are seeing an increase in differences between Payroll and Labor Hours since more of our users are using Kinetic Office MES to clock in and out of jobs…especially since the 2023.2 upgrade. Most differences are off by 1 minute but over the course of the day it can add up to several minutes difference which has to be adjusted.

Yesterday a new user brought up a question I’ve never been asked before. When an operator clocks off a job in MES (or Data Collection, in browser-based Kinetic), what TIME value is stored on the LaborDtl record? Is it the time the click the “End Activity” button on the front screen or the time the click “OK” on the End Activity screen?

I don’t know for sure, but I THINK it would be the “OK” on the End Activity screen, since that is when the LaborDtl record is written… but I could be wrong, and it may have changed at some point.