We use the payroll module and we’ve had an issue arise with holiday pay hours getting added to some, but not all, payroll checks. Seems to have started happening when we upgraded to 10.2.600. Has anyone else experienced this issue?
I can’t seem to find any rhyme or reason as to when this happens. About 10% of our hourly employees are not getting holiday hours added when we “Generate Checks” in Payroll Check Entry. Strangely, the list of employee’s that did not get holiday hours added for Christmas is different than the list that did not get holiday hours added for New Years (These are two different pay periods, since we pay weekly).
We are able to manually enter the holiday hours to get around the issue for now.
I only know of the following Bug in 600 which looks fixed in 700
In Payroll Check Entry, Generate Checks action creates checks that includes future holidays if the employee has Outdated labor entries and “Include Outdated Labor” is not checked.
Holiday hours should only be added if they are within the regular pay period.
Delete future holidays so they are not considered during Generate Checks
Create them only if they will be used during the pay period.
Our experience is all employees with hours worked did have holiday pay generated. However, we had several employees with no hours worked for which holiday pay generated for some of them and did not generate for some. I also cannot find anything in common on those that did not generate hours versus those that did. I am interested in this topic if anyone figures this out.