Physical inventory

We are planning to do a Physical Inventory this month. I was curious if there was anything in Epicor that will help with that? Like some type of reconciliation after we inventory?

Thank you

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Yes, the Cycle Count module includes a Full Physical Inventory functionality. Look in your Education Course documents for “Cycle and Physical Count Course” or in the system help for “Full Physical Inventory”.


Hi Ernie
I am setting cyclc counting up. I have a question about the ABC codes. Can i set them up by Product group? Or does it have to be by the activity of the parts?

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Out of the box, ABC codes must be set at the Part level… specifically at the Site or Warehouse level within Part Maintenance.

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ok that was what i thought too but then reading up on it i was confused about this on the ABC code set up


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When you allow the system to assign your ABC codes, it uses that value to determine which parts to assign this specific code to. These are done sequentially… for example you might want your “A” parts to be the 80% of your inventory valuation; your “B” parts to be the next 15%, and your “C” parts to be everything else… so “A” would have a Stock Valuation of 80, “B” of 95, and C 100.

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FWIW - You don’t need ABC codes for a Full Physical Inventory.


Check this post and the ones that follow it.

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thank you so much this is perfect

Like the post says, that was a copy and paste of an email to an accountant at our company. So it was written with that reader in mind. Sorry if some of it seems cryptic.

I didn’t read Calvin’s full document, but I want to emphasize a few “lessons learned” things:

  1. Make sure all parts are labeled with your part number (seems obvious, I know)
  2. Make sure to run all variance reports and reconcile them (look for miscounts and missing counts) before posting
  3. Hopefully you have multiple warehouses. You can “freeze” one warehouse at a time.
  4. Get buy-in from management to stop as much inventory movement as possible.

I have attached my instructions from E10.

Good Luck!

Full Physical Inventory.docx (1.8 MB)


Thank you so much Doug. I ran through it yesterday in test and it worked really good. I am going to do another run today.

i am in test and created a new warehouse and assigned 8 parts to that warehouse so we can run through one of our bin locations for training. (the bin is also assigned to the new warehouse) I must be missing something wrong or missing something. I then initialize the physical inventory then go to county cycle maintenance and search for the physical inventory and nothing shows up… HELP!

When you say “assigned 8 parts,” did you quantity adjust them into the Warehouse and bin or use some other way put them in that Bin? There has to be something in the bin to count.

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that is what i didn’t do. THank you so much!

There’s a checkbox on the search form that needs to be checked for Phys Inv to show up

Ah yes, one of the most ludicrous options in Epicor. Good one.

That and BAQ search defaulting to “shared” = true.