Planning Workbench Job Process

Any one know the purpose of the Planning Workbench Job Process? It appears to help with the Planning Workbench but not sure how. I don’t remember this in E9 but maybe I just looked over it.

You are correct, this populates the Planning Workbench. Depending on how you process your jobs, there are several flag options on the Selection screen. You can apply Filters also via the Filter tab.

I tried using this workbench but kept getting incorrect results. I opened up a case with Epicor Support and after a couple months of video conferences, emails and sending them a copy of our DB, the outcome was “yes it is broke…” . It was reported as a problem.

In talking to other Users in our EUG, they say it works fine and like it, others do not use it at all.

With this said, I would be cautious with the results it gives and if they validate out, it looks like it could be a great tool.

Was the it the Planning Workbench you had issues with or the Planning Workbench Job Process? We do run the Production Planning Process that populates the Planning Workbench. I am just trying to under the difference of these Processes.


I believe the process performs the same task as processing jobs or changes within the planning workbench but just on the server side. Use the “Submit Process” button to submit a planning workbench change to be executed and they will be performed when the process next executes. The process is not required to populate or use the planning workbench however.

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My mistake on referencing the Planning workbench.
It should be Production Planner Workbench Process

Populates the Production Planner Workbench