Please help me understand where clauses in a Function (or BPM)

Interesting. I started writing reporting and queries and so forth, so functional programming is feels a lot like the set theory stuff I’m used to. I’m constantly having to remind myself “oh, yeah, I need to loop through that.”

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I use widgets first, I’ll use code IF I have a snippet that can be modified to suit.

There is “the right tool for the job”, but there is also “the tool I am comfortable using”. I don’t use a chainsaw… I know how, I’ve used them before, but I’m less comfortable doing so now. If I have a situation where a chain saw is required, I ask a friend or hire somebody.

Luckily, if I have a situation where more advanced code is required, my company has a Development team.

And this is Epicor. At the version upgrade level, all bets are off. Some may be more off than others, but they’re still all off.


Oh, add multiple lines (Actions) to the “Set Argument/Variable” widget! We don’t need a widget for every single assignment.



Oh my word, yes.

This alone probably makes most people abandon widgets. Talk about obnoxious repetitive tasks with no value-add.

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Add multiple actions to the Setters in BPMs and Functions | Epicor Kinetic Ideas (

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Election 2020 Alaska GIF

I would have thought that idea was already out there.

And why isn’t there a looping one? (@JasonMcD , you have an assignment)

Really, for Epicors push into “No code for you!” it seems like they’ve given up on improving the widgets much.


I miss all the fun stuff lately. :sob:

I feel like this is a good time to bring up my status quote Maslow’s Law of Hammer

Widgets have a purpose and so does code right tool for the right job just because you can use one or the other it doesn’t mean they are the right tool.
Widgets can’t natively loop through a dataset and they impose a not insignificant performance burden. So for complex (read requires looping or mass updating) they are NOT the right tool :man_shrugging:

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See? Jose’s bringing the fun @klincecum!

elvira mistress of the dark halloween GIF

Damn you @JasonMcD , just when I was done with this thread, you had to bring in Cassandra Peterson!

@Mark_Wonsil I’m sorry, I have no idea who that is. I imagine she’s in whatever movie that is.

I was hoping for a GIF of Adele (:musical_note: “I set fiiiiire/ to the rain” :musical_note:), but I found this instead.


She’s Elvira, the woman on the left in your GIF.

I understand if you don’t know her. She’s 70 in this photo on the left.
