Please help me understand where clauses in a Function (or BPM)

To cut to the chase, I am dabbling with an Epicor Function, and it works but takes 3.5 minutes just to GetRows.

In this example, I only need to return 42 “rows” of data. And I get 42 releases, but I also get 1,250 OrderHed records.

So, is there a way to only get 42 OrderHed records? Because I feel like this is the source of the slowness, and it’s certainly extra data I don’t need.

Now for the details.

I made me a function. (I added the MiscChargeCount after the previous screenshot.)


It gets some rows based on some where clauses (which for laziness I made as inputs to the Function):

And then it counts how many rows were returned for some of the tables in the SalesOrder tableset:

If this were a BAQ, it would look like this:

And take milliseconds to get the same 42 rows:


Can I get the same speed in the Function? Am I misunderstanding the where clauses?

EDIT and summary - August 3 at 5:04 PM (EST)

To put a bow on this, where clauses are definitely not the most efficient things, and many others suggest better ways in the replies below.

But to answer the root question, WYSIWYG.

  • A where clause on the header affects the header and everything below it (like lines and releases).
  • But a where clause on the line (OrderDtl) will not reduce the number of OrderHed “rows” returned; it only reduces the result-set of lines and things below lines (like releases or [some] misc charges).

The where clauses on OrderHed, OrderDtl, and OrderRel do work together, but only downward; not upward. As you see, I get fewer and fewer results (which is the goal) the more I go down the hierarchy.

It results in a very bizarre dataset of lots of parents with no children or grandchildren, when the goal is just to get the grandchildren. And on that creepy note, good night.

Get rows is going to get a whole mess of other data. That is ALL order data unless you filter all the extras out. So your result is coming back with attachments and the whole shootin’ match, unlike your BAQ which is very directed.

Sort of like if you wanted to get a count of all customers in your system and you did a count on Customer.GetRows you’re going to be pulling ship-tos, contacts, attachments, bill-tos, etc etc


YES! As Josh points out. Just call the BAQ. :person_shrugging:

I cheat and just write the query directly in the function no additional dependencies LOL. I hate dependants… other than my kids of course


Ha, well sure.

OK time for more details.

The real goal of my function is to set OrderRel.Make to True if OrderRel.ReqDate <= (today + 60 days). It will run nightly.

So I need the actual SalesOrder tableset (from GetRows) in order to update the OrderRel table.


Or is there another way?

You could grab the list of orders/lines/rels to update as a LINQ query and convert it ToList() then loop that inside a using for the order BO and update the orders from that list. That’s typically what I do. Or you could use the BAQ to get your list of orders then use the BO to do the update from there, doing a GetByID.


Yeah… that all sounds like coding…

Talk widgets to me.

Edit: As a rider to that, in my defense, I am just trying to #FollowTheTrace.

I like reusing queries for multiple purposes. I hire out my dependencies whenever possible, including my kids of course. :rofl:

Once you got your rows the way you are now how did you plan to foreach them in widgets, and update the order rels?

Other option could be on Post GetList of the BAQ (as an updatable) loop the records and do your updates there and just schedule the BAQ. That’s how I would have done it pre-functions

Fill a temp table with your BAQ then use the Update By Query widget.


Learn basic code unless you want this hot mess lol. Old dogs can learn new tricks I promise you! Look at @Mark_Wonsil he’s ancient and out here kicking ass!

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Update Table by Query, no?

Actually, there’s a SalesOrder.ChangeMake method that’s used in the trace. That might be all we need.

So, the “fill a temp table with a BAQ” step is foreign to me… What would that look like?

In the Fill Table By Query widget, I see I need

  • A “designed query” - which only has temp tables available
  • A “specified table” - which also requires a tableset to exist
  • And then the mapping, which I am comfortable enough with (bind automatically!)


Yeah it’s kind of my thing to resist.


Sure but you suffer performance which was the initial complaint. Old simple example of some of the difference between Custom Code and Widget bastardization. @hkeric.wci examples generate the same result, one with a lot less CPU labor

Widgets are there to tailor not develop custom solutions. You’re trying to develop a new scheduled process not alter an existing epicor process. That’s sort of where I draw the line on widgets mentally.

… tailor (look at me using the new Epicor lingo, I’m Bougie like that)


FYI, I finished up this draft, and it does work, actually updating the releases that I wanted.

If you ignore the middle 4 troubleshooting widgets, this is mighty simple. 5 widgets including Start and setting the EmptyString variable - which was probably pointless in itself.

I did not use the ChangeMake method like the trace did. That does make me nervous… But I couldn’t get it to work. It constantly errored out.

The 2.3 minutes is lousy, sure. But again, I see it as the 1000+ orders and lines that bog it down.

  • It took 5 minutes to update 574 rows
  • It took 2 minutes to do just 12

This will run at night, once per night, so I’ll live. I’m just irritated that it’s inefficient.

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That’s a brilliant delineation. I’d never thought of it that way. Thanks for succinctness!


I sent @JasonMcD a solution offline. The only reason he wanted a Function was to schedule his process. Stepping back, what he’s trying to do we should be able to do with a UBAQ to update the Make flag on OrderRel lines that meet a certain condition. He’s demonstrated the speed of the BAQ already, now he needs to execute it on a schedule. So, we created a function that has only one widget: Invoke-Business Object and that BO is the DynamicQuery. The UABQ returns the affected records, so would could add a new widget to email them, log them, whatever.

I’m not against using code whatsoever. There are just some things that are very difficult or impossible in widgets. But code makes some things difficult too, like upgrades. Josh had to create a utility to help him find all the code embedded in their solutions which makes it easier to manage. Having a way to save various custom objects in source control would work too…cough cough. Any public company should review all code widgets for SOX compliance and have compensating controls around the code’s purpose.

All that to say, some people are coders and are going to start out of the box with a code widget. Others are going to try to stick to widgets. I guess the takeaway is knowing what is the problem that we are trying to solve and to choose a combination of tools that is easy to manage over time.

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If they would just make a looping widget to be able to handle a dataset (like automation studio does…) it would negate the need for a lot of custom code. Really that’s were code works better is it can loop on a dataset a lot easier.

BUT, I’ve also had widgets break in upgrades @Mark_Wonsil , so I don’t think I subscribe to the “Widgets are upgrade proof” theology. If they change the method parameter, you need to fix it on the widget the same as you would have to do in code. And some methods simply don’t work with the widgets because not all of the methods are consistent with how they handle the data set (I’m looking at you row mods), and some just don’t work at all.

Of course I can’t come up with any of the examples my anecdotal evidence is talking about because my memory for those specifics is mush. But I do know it’s happened to me.

If you use the epicor BO’s in code, and not some weird reflection, or just going wild with DB updates, code upgrades as well as widgets in my opinion.

steps of soapbox and hands it back to @Mark_Wonsil :wink:


Hearty agreement there. That is my biggest wall I run into over and over.

Yep. Ran into that the other day. RowMod refused to be set except with a C# block.

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Oh, nor do I. Widgets are code generators and there are errors to be had there too! Widget will be good for changes in syntax changes or implementing more efficient code with newer versions of supporting software. (You guys would have loved to have a widget when MS renamed invoke to Invoke for example.) However, the find all methods used for a particular Business object is super easy with widgets.


Completely agree. I would like something that was functional (like LINQ). As a really effing old coder, I am constantly fighting the urge to do everything in an iterative manner. These new functional languages (like F#, etc.) have features that are seeping into C# that make me look at loops differently.

Also, It would be nice to declare generic collections like Lists, Dictionaries, to use as inputs to widgets. This might be a nice back door to get some iteration. :person_shrugging:

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