PO - Our Qty values and Ext Cost

I ran into an issue on 10.1.400.13 on my purchase order line item. The issue is that I am getting values coming from the “Supplier Qty” field into my Ext Cost, but I have it to set to “Our Qty”. There are no Supplier Price Lists that affect this value. The Ext Cost is still being based on the “Supplier Qty” value. Is this a bug? Hopefully somebody else has experienced this and can offer some advice.

It’s the same way in 9 and I don’t believe it is a bug (or at least Epicor convinced me it wasn’t a bug). The our qty vs vendor qty just allows you to enter it into one of the quantity fields and then does the conversion to the other. The vendor is going to quote you in their quantity and that’s what you are going to pay. Ie, you have a part where the IUM is 10 EA an the PUM is 1 Box. You want 20 EA. It really doesn’t matter to the vendor that you are counting eaches, they are quoting, selling and shipping 2 boxes. The ext amount of the po is then the vendor qty * unit price. I think it also has to be setup like this to make the supplier price list work correctly. It’s been a while since I had that conversation with Epicor so maybe I’m not remembering something right. We ended up making sure all our pricing was based on vendor UOM and that conversions were setup properly to convert to vendor UOMs. Made the whole processes a lot less painless.


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