PO Release and GL Account information

I am struggling to create a BPM on PO Update. When a user selects a particular GL account they need to fill in a UD field. The issue is that I am not always “seeing” the GL data on update, even though I can see it on the screen.

This is the code I am running. I am not always getting into the ttPORelTGLC for loop. Any trick that I should use to get this to work? Or is this more of a form customization.

string strPO = “”;
string strPOLine = “”;
string strPORel = “”;
bool blnStop = false;
string strRelNeedFix = “The following PORelease needs an EWO:\r\n”;

/*Here we will get the current PORel record */
foreach (var MyPORel in (from ThisPORel in ttPORel select ThisPORel))
strPO = MyPORel.PONum.ToString();
strPOLine = MyPORel.POLine.ToString();
strPORel = MyPORel.PORelNum.ToString();


foreach(var RelTranGLC in (from ThisTranGLC in ttPORelTGLC where
	ThisTranGLC.Company == Session.CompanyID &&
	ThisTranGLC.Key1 == strPO &&
	ThisTranGLC.Key2 == strPOLine &&
	ThisTranGLC.Key3 == strPORel  && 
	((ThisTranGLC.GLAccount == "587000|01")
		|| (ThisTranGLC.GLAccount == "588100|01")
		|| (ThisTranGLC.GLAccount == "588200|01")
		|| (ThisTranGLC.GLAccount == "588500|01")
		|| (ThisTranGLC.GLAccount == "641300|01|3000")
		|| (ThisTranGLC.GLAccount == "641400|01|3000")
		|| (ThisTranGLC.GLAccount == "643050|01|3000")
		|| (ThisTranGLC.GLAccount == "651000|01|3000")
		|| (ThisTranGLC.GLAccount == "651100|01|3000"))

	select ThisTranGLC))
	Epicor.Customization.Bpm.InfoMessage.Publish( RelTranGLC.GLAccount);

	if (MyPORel.UDField<System.String>("EWO_c") == "")
		strRelNeedFix = strRelNeedFix + "Rel: " + MyPORel.PORelNum + "\r\n";
		blnStop = true;

	if (blnStop)
			var message = strRelNeedFix +"EWO field cannot be blank when GL Account is one of the following:\r\n•	01-587000\r\n•	01-588100\r\n•	01-588200\r\n•	01-588500\r\n•	01-641300-3000\r\n•	01-641400-3000\r\n•	01-643050-3000\r\n•	01-651000-3000\r\n•	01-651100-3000";

		throw new Ice.Common.BusinessObjectException(
		new Ice.Common.BusinessObjectMessage(message)
			Type = Ice.Common.BusinessObjectMessageType.Error,


I think you would be better off using a form customization. The PO Update dataset does not always contain the data in the temp tables, as you have found, such as adding an additional release. Whenever the user does change the GL Account it will fire but that is the only scenario that I am aware of. If you do stick to the BPM route I believe you could find the right combination of methods and data directives to get the job done, just not sure exactly what those would be.