PO Suggestion screen - CUT OFF DATE

What does the Cut Off Date do? I thought it was a date for the PO to be ordered by…but apparently it’s not. If the order by is within the selected date range selected, it does not show. (for example, order by July 1/2023) However, if the need date is considered - ie…Dec 1 need date for the SO, order by July 1 - and I set the Cut Off to Dec 2 - the PO suggestion will show.

Or -
Cut off date - July 2, no PO suggestion for order by July 1. (Needed for Dec 1)
Cut off date - Dec 2, PO suggested for July 1. (Needed for Dec 1).
Seems odd that it would be need date to be selected as cut off.

Is this correct?

Yes, From the MRP Tech guide and help it is related to the material required date. LOL They both also have it as the Cute Off Date.

Cut Off Date
The Cute Off Date modifier defines the final date on which the MRP engine stops looking for demand. Any
current demand requirements found on this day back through the entire schedule is evaluated by the MRP engine.

Thank you for the info. You would think it would have been a little clearer on the page it appears