Possible to make Breaking/Routing email HTML


I definitely know how that goes. Then what Jose said earlier, you are gonna have to monitor the process, grab the GUID file, render it and then attach. Only other option is to just call the SSRS report through C# using stream reader and ReportExecutionService. You can do this and send to it the needed information and execution paramteres. It will save you some time and you won’t have to wait on epicor and use file watchers. We have done this before, and it works quite well.


Thanks all.

I think I’ll give the powers that be, Jose’s first answer.



Best of luck :slight_smile: !

@josecgomez, what’s his “document sender” you speak of? We have a BPM with custom C# code for order acks but it’s not perfect and always a PITA to maintain as different customers want different things in their acks.

Document Sender is an Epicor Product that allows you to Email Reports directly right out of the interface. It was a formerly Dot Net IT Product.

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Dear josecgomez,

Can we use below code in customization script editor?

No on the other post I have you the code you need to use in the script editor…