Post Process Complete Notification

This is more of an observation than an issue, but has anyone noticed that the Post Journal Entry function is the only posting process that actually lets you know the post has completed? All others (AP Invoice, AR Invoice, Cash Receipts, etc), you get nothing to tell you the post has completed…I just assume it is done when the blue scroll bar goes away. Half the time, I end up trying to post it again, because I get distracted and don’t remember if I actually posted the transaction, or just clicked on the gears to open the post box. Some screens come back with an error if you have already posted (invalid group), others let you post over and over again. If we can’t get a “completed” message on all the post forms, how about automatically closing the post screen when the post is complete?

I realize this is minor in the overall scheme of things, just curious if anyone else shares my thoughts???

I’m not a Finance person, but the few times I’ve had to post AR or AP groups I’ve noticed that as well. Sounds like a GREAT case for an Epicor Idea!

I added this to Epicor Ideas, then found a similar idea had already been submitted, titled "Eliminate Extra Clicks when “Posting”
I think the existing idea is good and voted for it. Would you do the same?

Done… and for others to vote also: