Price Break by UOM

I have a bit of an issue I am trying to tackle. Does anyone know of they way(if possible) to use price pages(or anything else) to give SALES price breaks by the UOM(EA, BX, BULK, ect)? I have been trying to figure this out an thus far I have been unsuccessful. I know I can have price breaks by item qty, but I want to be covered in those rare cases of a customer buying more than a single Bulk Box and less than two. Can it be done in PRICE PAGE MAINTENANCE or ITEM MAINTENANCE? Or is this something that needs to be set up as a business rule?

The Price List program allows you to have different records for the same part number with different UOMs (as long as the UOMs are all in the same UOM Class). For instance, if you have a EA UOM as your default Sales UOM and have a price list for EA, you can also have a price list for a BOX UOM (as long as you’ve created a conversion for the BOX UOM for that part).

Let’s say a BOX is 20 EA, and the default EA price is $1. You could have a price list where buying 20EA is $19, but buying 1BOX is $18. Same part number, different UOMs.

You’d want to test this out thoroughly, but I don’t see any reason why it wouldn’t work.

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What term would I search for in P21? I tried "Price List " and nothing comes up.

I acknowledge it might be a feature we do not have active.

oops… I missed the Prophet 21 tag… my answer is for Kinetic, I’ve never worked with P21. Sorry!