Price Lists and Run Out Parts

We are seeing some very strange behavior on quotes and orders when a part is marked as Run Out. The short version is that Price List discounts are not applied to parts marked as Run Out.

Run Out NOT checked

  • When the part is entered on the line a message box pops up and asks if we want to refresh price break quantities. We say Yes.

  • The Unit Price displayed is the Price List price (the Price List discount already having been applied).

Run Out IS checked

  • When the part is entered on the line a message box pops up informing the user that the part is being phased out and if we want to continue. We say Yes.

  • The Unit Price displayed is the list price (not the Price List price), even though the Price List is identified in the Price List field.

  • Furthermore, there is also some strange screen behavior. If we are on line 1 and enter the information for a “normal” (not Run Out) part, everything is fine. If we change that part number to a Run Out part, we get the “this part is being phased out” message box, but the price is not updated from the previous part.

The same information is true for orders.

The Price List Inquiry tool displays correct results for both Run Out and “normal” (non-Run Out) parts.

Anyone seen this before?

Is there a setting somewhere that tells the system to ignore pricing on Run Out parts?

