Print ASN EDI Dialog Box


Looking to the find some advice on where to set a good hook to throw a simple dialog box when the Print Packing Slip form is launched from Customer Shipment Entry.

We have an Outbound EDI report style that will queue up an ASN for mapping and I would like to test showing a dialog box to the user that will show for certain customers that require EDI and possibly display ASNPrintedDate and the CounterASN columns from the ShipHead table.

ASNPrintedDate CounterASN
2021-04-26 13:24:36.130 2

I thought first Breaking and Routing could do this but since our Report Style is Outbound EDI, this option is not enabled.

We just want to let the user know that it is possible that this EDI has already been transmitted. The thing is you can go into CustShip and add tracking number without changing any stages or statuses on the ShipHead, or you can go into the system and just resubmit the print job to EDI without changing anything on the Shipment. I think this maybe rules out using the update method for CustShip.

These are just our initial thoughts on this and maybe we are off the markā€¦ any advice/help is much appreciated.


If you have the document defined on the Customer Master, then make a BPM to generate ASN when the packing slip is marked shipped. This way it will always print without fail and that can be verified in the System monitor.

This is what we have done, so ASNs are not missed.

Thanks Vinay,

Yes, we have some BPMs that do things similar to as you described where EDI is submitted from Epicor with a BPM that has AutoPrint options. Due to some processes that are specific for a few customers the flow does not allow for this and we rely on our personnel to manually submit the ASN. This is only for a few customers/trading partners.

So the thought was to have a quick BPM that had criteria for these types of customers that would display the ASNPrintedDate and the CounterASN to let them know that the ASN has been submitted.


I have the BPM sorted out that will work for our purposes.
Problem is that I have it tied to CustShip.GetByID which is way to chatty when working in the UI.
That method gets called too often for our purposes.

Ideally I want the event to be when the user chooses the print option from the Actions menu from Customer Shipment Entry. At that point I would want my logic to fire and let the user know that this ASN has previously been sent.

Any advice is much appreciated.


So after searching around a bit on this, I have changed direction and I am now attempting to use the BeforeToolClick Event Wizard on a Form Customization for Customer Shipment Entry.

private void CustShipForm_BeforeToolClick(object sender, Ice.Lib.Framework.BeforeToolClickEventArgs args)


if (args.Tool.Key == "PrintPackingTool")
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("The Tool with key '" + args.Tool.Key + "' has been clicked.  It is of type: '" + args.Tool.GetType().ToString() + "'");


Now I need the some basic ideas on how to trap for the CustomerNumber off the current Shipment entry and simply show it in the a dialog box. Easy for me to do this in a BPM, but on the form customizations, it is a bit of a dead end for me.
