I'm very interested to hear your progess as we need to do this same thing. Please keep us posted.
> So, we need to start printing part labels at job receipt to inventory because we're implementing lot tracking for various parts.
> As some of you probably know, there is no way to print a label on this screen. So, has anyone tackled this in any way. Wondering if there's a way to capture all the data on the screen and pass it to either Crystal or Bartender.
> It would have to be done on screen likely since after you perform the receipt, the screen clears - and we don't want to perform it for all jobs/parts all the time. I'm guessing a button to pass the screen values would be the best solution.
--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "mmcwilliams22" <mmcwilliams22@...> wrote:
> Yes, you can do this with Bartender and customization.
> If you have more details on the fields and the label I could help more.
> vantage@yahoogroups.com, "pbparker" <scrumbus@> wrote:
> >
> > So, we need to start printing part labels at job receipt to inventory because we're implementing lot tracking for various parts.
> >
> > As some of you probably know, there is no way to print a label on this screen. So, has anyone tackled this in any way. Wondering if there's a way to capture all the data on the screen and pass it to either Crystal or Bartender.
> >
> > It would have to be done on screen likely since after you perform the receipt, the screen clears - and we don't want to perform it for all jobs/parts all the time. I'm guessing a button to pass the screen values would be the best solution.
> >
--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "pbparker" <scrumbus@...> wrote:
> Basically, we're trying to reproduce the base part tag that Epicor generates at various other places, so in this case for the job receipt, I'm thinking:
> Part Number
> Part Type
> Lot Number (if one there)
> Warehouse
> Bin
> The label is likely going to be a Zebra label printer, but I think if I can get it simply printing to any device initially from a button for testing I can get the rest working.
> --- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "mmcwilliams22" <mmcwilliams22@> wrote:
> >
> > Yes, you can do this with Bartender and customization.
> > If you have more details on the fields and the label I could help more.
> > vantage@yahoogroups.com, "pbparker" <scrumbus@> wrote:
> > >
> > > So, we need to start printing part labels at job receipt to inventory because we're implementing lot tracking for various parts.
> > >
> > > As some of you probably know, there is no way to print a label on this screen. So, has anyone tackled this in any way. Wondering if there's a way to capture all the data on the screen and pass it to either Crystal or Bartender.
> > >
> > > It would have to be done on screen likely since after you perform the receipt, the screen clears - and we don't want to perform it for all jobs/parts all the time. I'm guessing a button to pass the screen values would be the best solution.
> > >
> >
--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "mmcwilliams22" <mmcwilliams22@...> wrote:
> Here is an example. You would create a Bartender label with all the fields and have LotNumer as an input Parameter. If you were doing it just for a part without a lot number use the PartNum as your variable.
> Dim PartTran As EpiDataView = Ctype(oTrans.EpiDataViews("PartTran")EpiDataView)
> Dim Printer As String = "{PrinterName}"
> '//We hardcode the printer in)
> Dim LotNumber As String = PartTran.dataView(PartTran.Row)("LotNum")
> Dim strPath As String = "C:\Progra~1\Seagull\BarTender\8.0\bartend.exe"
> Dim strParam As String = "/F=C:\Tags.btw /PRN= /P /X /?LotNumber="&LotNumber
> '// (Tags.btw is the name of our bartender file, LotNumber is the parameter in the file as well as your variable)
> Dim strParam2 As String = strParam.Insert(20,Printer)
> '// Inserting the printer into the parameters at the 20th position.
> '// If your file name is longer you will have to modify.
> Process.Start(strPath, strParam2)
> --- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "pbparker" <scrumbus@> wrote:
> >
> > Basically, we're trying to reproduce the base part tag that Epicor generates at various other places, so in this case for the job receipt, I'm thinking:
> >
> > Part Number
> > Part Type
> > Lot Number (if one there)
> > Warehouse
> > Bin
> >
> > The label is likely going to be a Zebra label printer, but I think if I can get it simply printing to any device initially from a button for testing I can get the rest working.
> >
> >
> > --- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "mmcwilliams22" <mmcwilliams22@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Yes, you can do this with Bartender and customization.
> > > If you have more details on the fields and the label I could help more.
> > > vantage@yahoogroups.com, "pbparker" <scrumbus@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > So, we need to start printing part labels at job receipt to inventory because we're implementing lot tracking for various parts.
> > > >
> > > > As some of you probably know, there is no way to print a label on this screen. So, has anyone tackled this in any way. Wondering if there's a way to capture all the data on the screen and pass it to either Crystal or Bartender.
> > > >
> > > > It would have to be done on screen likely since after you perform the receipt, the screen clears - and we don't want to perform it for all jobs/parts all the time. I'm guessing a button to pass the screen values would be the best solution.
> > > >
> > >
> >