Problems in BAQ update processing

I am trying to create an updatable BAQ. I put in the name, description, select shared and updatable and click SAVE it throws an error. I tried continuing on adding tables, etc. but no matter where I am in create process it throws same error.

Problems in BAQ update processing
Updatable Business Object and method are not properly specified.

Unable to save updatable BAQ
See ‘Problems in BAQ update processing’ section for details.
Uncheck updatable flang on general tab to save updatable BAQ.

Any ideas?

You cannot save the uBAQ until the Update settings (on the “Update” tab) are properly set.

I would first make the BAQ with the Updateable box unchecked. Just to get the BAQ working as expected first.

After its working (as a regular BAQ), make it updatable, and set the settings on the Update tab.

FWIW - I struggle every time I make a uBAQ The settings on the Update tab (and its sub-tabs) aren’t very obvious, and the error messages don’t really help. Do a sample uBAQ like the example shown in the ICE Tech Ref guide.