Problem: I get the below error when adding the total function to a summarised table. I want to sum the “ourqty” field of the RcvDtl table against each PO/LINE/REL.
What I’ve done:
Created a BAQ with 2 tables, “PORel” and “RcvDtl”, the joins were company, ponum, poline, porelnum.
Made the “RcvDtl” table a summary table.
Added a calculated field with the formula: Total( RcvDtl.OurQty )
If i remove the calculated field altogether the BAQ runs fine, so it is nothing to do with the other calculated fields…its something to do with this new one i’ve written.
The baq works when i join rcvdtl to podtl as opposed to porel and doesn’t error however some crazy received qty’s being returned. Doesn’t look right at all.
I’ve received that error before when analyzing or checking syntax, but found the BAQ will run without errors. (We’re on 9.05.701 also.) Have you tried that?
Yes I did try that but got a blue circle that looked like it was trying to do something but didn’t stop… eventually had to kill it as it would killed the server!
Can you post a screenshot of the Phase Builder? Epicor 9.05.701 has some bugs using summarized tables. You can only have 1 “branch” that summarizes; if you add a 2nd branch that has summarized tables nothing will be returned for it. There are some older posts about it (under “9.05.702 issues w/summary tables” topic). BTW…9.05.702 fixed that, but cross-company BAQs broke.