Problems with loading check in void payment entry

Hey all,

After running a named search on the “Void Payment” search form for a specific supplier, I cannot get 4 checks from 2018 assigned to that supplier to appear.

Could anyone explain to me how Epicor search forms work and if it’s possible to see/customize their search criteria? From what I’m seeing online, it looks like this type of form is pretty locked up.

If anyone has any experience with an issue like this and might know of a solution, please reach out.

Thanks for your time!

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Were the Checks previously cleared via bank statement processing?
You could check using the payment tracker and see if the “cleared” check box is marked, which means it was cleared already.

Hello Team.
I am experiencing a similar issue. I have a payment that the cleared check box is not checked off. So, does this mean that I have to clear it in order to be able to void it?
Thank you for your help.


You cannot Void a check after it is cleared. That also makes sense, since the check cleared the bank how will you void.

Vinay Kamboj

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Thank you Vinaykamboj
We got our issue sorted out. It makes totally sense what you say.
Have a good one.

Hi Neco,

May I ask how did you do it?
I can’t find a way to Void or Reverse Cleared Check.

Thanks in advance

Once a cheque is cleared and posted, there is no way to void or reverse it. You will have to use miscellaneous invoice and GL entries to rectify the situation.

Vinay Kamboj

Hi Marina
I wish I could help you. I do not longer have access the procedures I followed to deal with this issue and I unfortunately cannot remember the steps and logic I used.

I was just presented with this issue today, check issued, cleared and Posted in July and today I am told it was returned. Could you outline the Misc Invoice and GL entries you mentioned above to help reconcile this.
