Procedure Customer that wants Invoice with Shipment

How does your process look like if you are not yet EDI ready and a Customer wants an actual Invoice and not the Pro-Forma Invoice during the Packout phase. We sometimes packout right before a truck arrives and it seems very odd to me that a Customer requires an actual Invoice with an Invoice number at that time because they all tend to pay Net 30+ (Automotive Manufacturing).

Just curious - if anyone has such requests.

How are you sending the invoice? With the truck? Mail? PDF?

A copy with the Truck.

You can do that through Sales order entry if you are using the counter sale
functionality. You can create a pack slip and invoice at the same time

I would agree its rarely used but maybe in your case with this customer if
they are sending their truck to pick up the items they may want an invoice
right then

Mark Wagner
Sr. Partner

Capstone Alliance Partners 888.597.2227 Ext. 71
<888.597.2227%20Ext.%20714>2 | 904.412.6847 (cell)

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I will give auto-invoice a try.

Haso, I think you can put auto-invoice in the Sales Order. So at this time with packout it’s ship this already create an Invoice

If auto invoice doesn’t work for you, it should be straight forward enough to create and print the invoice from a screen customization in customer shipment entry. Then you can decide if the invoice should be posted or not.

I can see why they might want an invoice. They are paying off of receipt and now the pack slip and invoice number are the same. That would create a pretty slick process. Simply have receiving record the invoice total and 80+% of your AP processing is done. The only AP invoicing that isn’t done is the stuff that doesn’t match your PO.
I wonder if I could get our suppliers to include the invoice with the shipment…


Why can’t you just complete the INVOICE cycle at the time of shipment?
You can invoice the single shipment? …
if not then possibly try a MISC INVOICE against the Sales order
or even an ADVANCED BILLING invoice.

but it seems like more work for the few moments that you can gain by just billing the invoice individually

my invoices are posting automatically… can we prevent that?