Product Groups - Sub Categories?

Hey guys

I am working on revamping our pricing, and, still fairly new to E10, but, getting my head around it. This scenario (in my head at least haha) should be fairly simple. The company has special offers each month, so, standard discounts and discounts based on a quantity break are simple. The 3rd option we do, is a sort of mix and match. So, pick any 4 or more from “this” list of products, and get 25% discount, basically

I dont think I can do this in the same pricelist, so, I then thought about a product group, created with the relevant SKUs, and create a discount for that group with the relevant price break. Which I am sure is the right way? Maybe not!

But, our products are all in groups already, and I cant see where I can create a subcategory so to speak. Is this possible? Or a way round it, or, do we simply have to create a “special offer” group, and, add the skus relevant to it reach month, and then move them out of it to the original one?

Hoping this makes sense chaps :slight_smile:

I haven’t really played much in this area, so I’m not a big help… but have you thought about multiple price lists? They “stack”. This thread explains it well.

Aye, I am all over the pricelists, and that will be the way, but, its more the groups in the background so I can apply the pricelist to the group. Was just wondering if there was a simpler way haha

If I understand what you’re saying, your “mix and match” group has maybe 20 (or whatever) part numbers on it… and if a customer buys any combination of 4 (or whatever) from that list, they get 25% (or whatever) off. So far so good.

How many part numbers (i.e. lines) on a typical Sales Order? Epicor treats each individual line as a separate record, so wouldn’t you have to look at the entire order AFTER it’s all been entered?

Is this discount IN ADDITION TO or IN PLACE OF other discounts?

How often does the mix and match list change?

Hey Ernie

These are part of a monthly special offer that we do, this changes, well, monthly.

Typically, we have 2 or 3 of these kind of “deals” on it, with 6-12 items in each group at most

If I have it as a pricelist, I would have this as 1, the standard special offers as 2, with the base/standard price third. There would be no other discount applied to these items apart from this

Thanks! That clears up most of it… but this one is what I don’t know.

If only 2 items from that list are on the order, there isn’t any way for Epicor to know to NOT give them the price from list #1.

Aye, I am playing with it now. Here is an example

ABK 20.00%
ABL 20.00%
AGD 20.00%
ARD 20.00%

You get 20% off these, if there are 6 in total, any combination

I created a Product Group, with these 4 products in it,
I created a Discount Pricelist with 20% and price break of 6

This works if any individual qty is 6, but, if I choose 2 SKUs, and 3 of each, it doesnt seem to recognise it, so, no discount applied :slight_smile:

This is my dilema, I thought if it was at a group level, it would know all the items were in a group and apply the discount?

Your profile indicates you’re on E10… look in your Education module for the Customer Pricing course.

From how you describe what you want, there is no direct out-of-the-box solution. The price list functionality works for either a Quantity (total quantity of a single part number on a single sales order line) or an Order Value (total amount of sales order). There is no default functionality for a combination of multiple part numbers.

Unless I’m missing something (always a distinct possibility), this would require custom programming.

Ok, that does make sense actually, I was hoping it would work at a group level, so it applied only to a certain part. It may well be custom like you say

The next bit I need to find is if a certain sku triggers a “free” or additional item as part of it. I know the old version we have before E10 did this, but, not found it here yet

At the sales order level, probably the easiest way to do this would be by using a Sales Kit. There’s an E10 Education Course on that too… essentially you’re creating a BOM where shipping is notified that when you see a sales order for a Computer, they automatically throw a Keyboard in the box.

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Thanks so much, been a great help today :slight_smile:

I was also going to suggest Sales Kit for your discount. If you create a new part number that is for the sale and create the Sales Kit to include those items, you could then modify the Sales Kit contents on the order for what they specifically want.

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Also thanks, dont know much about the sales kit side, so, I will go and read up on it

I find it to be a really under-utilized feature by most companies. Hopefully it will help you out in some way. :man_shrugging:

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