Product Lifecyle Management

We have 10.2.200. What recommendations are there for using a third party product lifecycle management with Epicor?

Do you use any kind of Methodology such as SCRUM? ITIL? I think a good foundation such as ITIL might be the first think to look into for you and your team.

The Reason I ask because the Methodology for us helped in finding the right ALM Tool. We do SCRUM So we wanted something with Sprints, Kanban, Release Cycles…

Looks Neat:

The request came primarily from our engineering team. They currently do not operate under SCRUM or ITIL that I am aware.
IT however is managed via SCRUM. We love it. I actually got my PSM cert last year.

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Gotcha mis-understood! We use… ARAS Currently (open source) with Service Connect to pass Parts, ECNs… to Epicor and vice-versa. Its web-based, runs in your browser. IIS App.

It is very customizable via C#, JavaScript, Forms… just like Epicor. It has its own DMT Tool, the db is SQL, you can create Tables, Forms, Relationships, Workflows… Probably even find 100s of plugins on github.

Just like Epicor you can modify C# Code, Methods within ARAS - or you can go to Visual Studio.

Like #Kanban Boards

Lastly it has a REST API if I recall.



sweet. I will past that along.

Pretty neat, it has BPM type of things etc… Could be the most cost-effective all you ever wanted solution on-prem and fully customizable.

Just curious @jdewitt6029 do you guys use Configura? (GR Based)

We do not. I guess we have to check them out. Does it integrate with Epicor at all?

Our engineering group use Clickup. It’s not customizable like Haso’s suggestion, but it’s done a great job of helping us organize orders from order through the engineering department until it get’s to the shop floor. It’s a SAAS model, per user charge. It does not integrate with epicor. Although they have a REST API so it probably could.

Nah Configura is something else, I just wondered given that you are in the Chair Business perhaps you guys use it to Make Planning Space awesome…

By the way, I could use a new Chair; I help you with a few Customizations and you award me the best Chair Aeron Large. :slight_smile:

If were Herman Miller, then sure. Unfortunately we do restaurant and hospitality seating. If you have been in a brewery at all in GR, then you have sat on our stuff.
On a side note, I just got an Aeron chair last week. Heavily discounted from their outlet store in Zeeland (plus father in law works at HM). I would recommend checking for one there.

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Nice!! Sitting on one of those, is like sitting on a Cloud… 12-16 hour coding sessions = no back pain.

Software that our engineering department uses is Smartsheet.

Clickup looks a lot simpler than that (which is what we wanted). Pretty much a scrum board on steroids with some extra tracking tools.

I am interested in your comment about you using Aras and Service Connect to pass parts, ECNs, etc. to Epicor.

Did you create the integration internally or hired another company to create it? If an outside company, can you recommend them?

Do you also pass documents, lke drawings, etc. to Epicor? If yes, where do users access them? Are they saved as attachments to the part revision or where?

Thank you - appreciate any help you can provide us.