A programmer walks into a bar and orders 1.000000119 root beers. The bartender says, “I’m gonna have to charge you extra; that’s a root beer float”. And the programmer says, “Well in that case make it a double”.
@archivd on Twitter
A programmer walks into a bar and orders 1.000000119 root beers. The bartender says, “I’m gonna have to charge you extra; that’s a root beer float”. And the programmer says, “Well in that case make it a double”.
@archivd on Twitter
What does garlic do when it gets hot?
It takes its cloves off.
How many programmers does it take to change a lightbulb?
None. That’s a hardware problem.
I always get my holidays confused…because Oct 31 = Dec 25
That’s why I shared the joke here…I knew I wouldn’t have to explain it to this crowd.
P.S. My kids didn’t laught at it.
It had nothing to do with your post. I just saw this and had to share it. Your post just bumped the programmer jokes thread, so I jumped on the opportunity.