Wayne Cox wrote:
Query/Run version. You can compile programs the query the data base, but not
update it. You would need to upgrade the license for the database, but you would
not need to re-license Provision.
/* ============================================================== */
William E. Colls Tel 613 591 0079
PROComputer Systems Fax 613 591 3924
67 Willow Glen Dr www.procomsys.com
Kanata Ontario Canada PEG Member 1998051404
Specialists in Progress Software development since 1985
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Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2001 20:50:08 -0500
From: William Colls <william@...>
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To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [Vantage] Programming - Provision
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We need to clarify a couple of things here.
Provision is a very powerful development tool that can be purchased to run with
Progress. The main point of Provision, and most of its cost, is tied to the
"object" like tools that are part of the set-up. It provides things like screen
design tools, SmartObjects and the ADM2 framework All are intended to make
development faster and more flexible, and once you spend the time and money to
learn the tool set they probably do help. Personally, I don't use them.
Bundled with provision is a Developer version of Progress, which allows you to
create programs that update the database. However, you can also buy a Developer
version of Progress without buying Provision. This tool allows you to create
programs that do update the data base. You don't get the fancy tools, but if you
don't plan any heavy duty development projects, you don't need Provision. The
Run/Query version of Progress that is usually supplied with Vantage also has a
basic development tool. Click Start>Programs>Progesss>Desktop, and there you
are. You have a tool to examine the Data Dictionary (icon looks like an open
book) and a source code editor(icon looks like a Pen and ink pot). Using this
basic tool you can build as fancy a Program as you want to, using all the neat
widgets that are part of the windows environment. Whether or not you can write
to the database depends on the version of the Progress Database Engine you have,
not the development tools that you are using.
If any one wants more information about this, please feel free to email me
Todd Caughey wrote:
/* ============================================================== */
William E. Colls Tel 613 591 0079
PROComputer Systems Fax 613 591 3924
67 Willow Glen Dr www.procomsys.com
Kanata Ontario Canada PEG Member 1998051404
Specialists in Progress Software development since 1985
> I see the prowin32 on the 3.0/8.3 server, but when I've tried doing writesWhich means that the version of Progress you have installed is licensed as a
> with it, it says "may not compile programs that update the DB in this
> version." I guess spending the $$$ for Provision unlocks what's already
> there, and creates a couple icons?
Query/Run version. You can compile programs the query the data base, but not
update it. You would need to upgrade the license for the database, but you would
not need to re-license Provision.
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
/* ============================================================== */
William E. Colls Tel 613 591 0079
PROComputer Systems Fax 613 591 3924
67 Willow Glen Dr www.procomsys.com
Kanata Ontario Canada PEG Member 1998051404
Specialists in Progress Software development since 1985
X-Mozilla-Status: 0009 20:50:08 2001
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FCC: /C|/Program Files/Netscape/Users/douglas/mail/Sent
Message-ID: <3AA836D0.23F6F664@...>
Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2001 20:50:08 -0500
From: William Colls <william@...>
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X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.72 [en] (Win98; U)
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To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [Vantage] Programming - Provision
References: <A8C94E694FE9D2119D750008C733F6B112E050@...>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
We need to clarify a couple of things here.
Provision is a very powerful development tool that can be purchased to run with
Progress. The main point of Provision, and most of its cost, is tied to the
"object" like tools that are part of the set-up. It provides things like screen
design tools, SmartObjects and the ADM2 framework All are intended to make
development faster and more flexible, and once you spend the time and money to
learn the tool set they probably do help. Personally, I don't use them.
Bundled with provision is a Developer version of Progress, which allows you to
create programs that update the database. However, you can also buy a Developer
version of Progress without buying Provision. This tool allows you to create
programs that do update the data base. You don't get the fancy tools, but if you
don't plan any heavy duty development projects, you don't need Provision. The
Run/Query version of Progress that is usually supplied with Vantage also has a
basic development tool. Click Start>Programs>Progesss>Desktop, and there you
are. You have a tool to examine the Data Dictionary (icon looks like an open
book) and a source code editor(icon looks like a Pen and ink pot). Using this
basic tool you can build as fancy a Program as you want to, using all the neat
widgets that are part of the windows environment. Whether or not you can write
to the database depends on the version of the Progress Database Engine you have,
not the development tools that you are using.
If any one wants more information about this, please feel free to email me
Todd Caughey wrote:
> Pardon me if I split the "Programming - Progress version compatibility"--
> thread into a side topic.
> OK, so what the heck is Provision and why should I need it? Obviously
> Epicor does not promote it but then they assume any Vantage site should
> never need to know anything about the database or Progress. Years of
> experience with other systems (longest was ASK-ManMan on Digital's DBMS
> database) tell me otherwise.
> How much does it cost or do I have it already and don't know it?
> Where can I get educated in both Progress and Provision?
> If I was able to get source code for Vantage what else would I need to
> self-maintain? Not that I want to...yet but maybe someday I will have to
> and I suspect I could not learn what I need in a few weeks. Now is the time
> to prepare.
> Thanks,
> -Todd Caughey
> Harvey Vogel Mfg. Co.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
/* ============================================================== */
William E. Colls Tel 613 591 0079
PROComputer Systems Fax 613 591 3924
67 Willow Glen Dr www.procomsys.com
Kanata Ontario Canada PEG Member 1998051404
Specialists in Progress Software development since 1985