Progress 9.1d ODBC - Setting SQLTempDisk

Hi folks,
It has been awhile since I've posted a question (or answered one for that matter) given than most of you have moved on. But for the old timers maybe someone can dust off a memory and give me a hand. We are running into an issue with Crystal and ODBC. Getting an error saying that the Temp Disk space is full. Physically the space is fine but research tells me there is a default value of something like 50MB. I need this to be much larger. There is a parameter -SQLTempDisk for doing this but I can't find where to put it. References say in the ODBC Broker startup... wherever that is.

By the way we're still bopping along with Vantage 6.10 and have stretched it a bit with Crystal 2008 and a product called Crystal Reports Distribution (CRD) that works really well for automating reports and bursting them to email addresses. Also integrated Vantage with MS Dynamics CRM. At moment I'm converting the Job Traveler to CR 2008 and ODBC so we can put dynamic pictures of parts on it based on calculated file path reference. So we're not standing still with Vantage by any means.

If anyone has any idea on that SQLTempDisk thing I would sure appreciate suggestions.

Todd Caughey
Harvey Vogel Mfg. Co.
Woodbury, MN

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