Progress procedure to run Report Builder

I want to thank Todd, Lonnie and Jim for their help since the problem
was with the syntax. I also had to change the record selection
for "LaborDtl.ActiveTrans = No" to "LaborDtl.ActiveTrans = False" in
order for it to work properly.

Brent O'Donnell
I am having a problem with the filter statement in the Progress
procedure that runs Report Builder.

I have successfully used this procedure before to run reports that
have a simple filter statement. The filter statement I am using now
is as follows:

strRBFilter = "LaborDtl.Company = 'VTAERO' AND (LaborDtl.PayrollDate
>= " + STRING(Date2_rb) + " AND LaborDtl.PayrollDate <= "+ STRING
(Date1_rb) + ") AND LaborDtl.ActiveTrans = 'No' AND LaborDtl.JCDept
= '2'or'3'or'4'or'5'or'8'or'11'or'12'or'15'or'16'".

The error I am getting now is " RB Filter contains an error at Offset
136: Invalid operation". I have tried removing what appears to be
the problem statement only to get the error at a different offset.

I was told the offset refers to the character position in the string
with the numbering starting with the the first character after the
opening ". Is this correct and can anyone tell me what could be
wrong with my syntax?

Any help would be appreciated.

Brent O'Donnell
Can't vouch for the syntax of the Progress procedure part but when RB barfs
on a calculated field due to "Invalid Operation" I almost always find that
it is due to lack of a space between things. In this case I would be really
suspicious about the '2'or'3'or'4' where I would try a space between the
single-quotes and the or's. Also between the " and the + near the end of
the second line. Just a guess.
-Todd C.

-----Original Message-----
From: vtaeroman [mailto:brento@...]
Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 6:36 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Progress procedure to run Report Builder

I am having a problem with the filter statement in the Progress
procedure that runs Report Builder.

I have successfully used this procedure before to run reports that
have a simple filter statement. The filter statement I am using now
is as follows:

strRBFilter = "LaborDtl.Company = 'VTAERO' AND (LaborDtl.PayrollDate
>= " + STRING(Date2_rb) + " AND LaborDtl.PayrollDate <= "+ STRING
(Date1_rb) + ") AND LaborDtl.ActiveTrans = 'No' AND LaborDtl.JCDept
= '2'or'3'or'4'or'5'or'8'or'11'or'12'or'15'or'16'".

The error I am getting now is " RB Filter contains an error at Offset
136: Invalid operation". I have tried removing what appears to be
the problem statement only to get the error at a different offset.

I was told the offset refers to the character position in the string
with the numbering starting with the the first character after the
opening ". Is this correct and can anyone tell me what could be
wrong with my syntax?

Any help would be appreciated.

Brent O'Donnell

Yahoo! Groups Sponsor




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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I see 2 possibilities immediately. ... "+ string(date1 ... I would
place a space between double quote and the +. Have to be perfect
with spacing.

I think Todd is also right about ... Labordtl.JCDept
= '2'or'3'or... That's not correct. I would use a lookup or index
function, or possibly.. labordtl.jcdept = '2' or labordtl.jcdept
= '3' or ..

Then test strRBFilter. First, build the filter in RB, print it on a
report, and compare it to strRBFilter's contents in a message
statement or output to a file.


> strRBFilter = "LaborDtl.Company = 'VTAERO' AND
> >= " + STRING(Date2_rb) + " AND LaborDtl.PayrollDate <= "+ STRING
> (Date1_rb) + ") AND LaborDtl.ActiveTrans = 'No' AND LaborDtl.JCDept
> = '2'or'3'or'4'or'5'or'8'or'11'or'12'or'15'or'16'".
> The error I am getting now is " RB Filter contains an error at
> 136: Invalid operation". I have tried removing what appears to be
> the problem statement only to get the error at a different offset.
> I was told the offset refers to the character position in the
> with the numbering starting with the the first character after the
> opening ". Is this correct and can anyone tell me what could be
> wrong with my syntax?
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Brent O'Donnell

Remove the quotes from LaborDtl.ActiveTrans = 'No'. The field is a logical
not string.

Jim Stetter

-----Original Message-----
From: vtaeroman [mailto:brento@...]
Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 7:36 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Progress procedure to run Report Builder

I am having a problem with the filter statement in the Progress
procedure that runs Report Builder.

I have successfully used this procedure before to run reports that
have a simple filter statement. The filter statement I am using now
is as follows:

strRBFilter = "LaborDtl.Company = 'VTAERO' AND (LaborDtl.PayrollDate
>= " + STRING(Date2_rb) + " AND LaborDtl.PayrollDate <= "+ STRING
(Date1_rb) + ") AND LaborDtl.ActiveTrans = 'No' AND LaborDtl.JCDept
= '2'or'3'or'4'or'5'or'8'or'11'or'12'or'15'or'16'".

The error I am getting now is " RB Filter contains an error at Offset
136: Invalid operation". I have tried removing what appears to be
the problem statement only to get the error at a different offset.

I was told the offset refers to the character position in the string
with the numbering starting with the the first character after the
opening ". Is this correct and can anyone tell me what could be
wrong with my syntax?

Any help would be appreciated.

Brent O'Donnell

Yahoo! Groups Sponsor

Useful links for the Yahoo!Groups Vantage Board are: ( Note: You must
have already linked your email address to a yahoo id to enable access. )
(1) To access the Files Section of our Yahoo!Group for Report Builder and
Crystal Reports and other 'goodies', please goto:
(2) To search through old msg's goto:
(3) To view links to Vendors that provide Vantage services goto:

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]