I have been requested to investigate building a budget review project for particular types of projects. We use Epicor 9 for Professional Services, and not full on manufacturing. Currently on 9.05.701 SQL.
The process is to allow an Approver to review, approve and reject requests for project budget increases. Once approved the requester/Project Manager will uplift the project revision using Build Project Analysis and then update the estimates/budget in the relevant phases of the project.
Essentially we are looking for a way to keep track of these requests which would normally arrive as an email to the Approver. This should also allow the Approver to review all past history as well as the current budget requests for the project in question.
Thoughts so far from were to use UD tables along with an updatable dashboard and some BPMs for sending emails. I had also considered using Service Connect Task Manager and have the approvers log into that. Possibly some automation to run the uplift and update the phase budgets as well.
Just in case any one asks why, we have some very strict controls around labor to the point, if there is no budget left on the budget, work is supposed to stop until a review has been conducted.
I am hoping that someone may share how they use Epicor for this type of process, if you have one like this, or any other technical resolution that I may be missing for this problem.
Simon Hall