Project - Shipment Sales, Recognized Revenue Reversal

How do I get the Revenue Recognition to Reverse?
How do I get the Revenue to book in the correct month if I can’t select the shipment for invoicing??
I have 4 projects with POC selected in error. How do I get the sales to book to the General Ledger? Shipments have been processed.

  1. We are using Projects to create Fixed Fee invoice’s with Retainage.
  2. I need to Manually recognize revenue prior to shipping product.
  3. Customer Shipments are processed. Reverse on Billing/Shipment is selected in my Project, but no reversal is happening.
  4. I’m trying to do this without phase’s as I AM the ONLY person in the project module. Adding phase’s is more work for me and I don’t see the benefit.

Why is the Project Module so complicated with very little Help function resources? Any Project notes you have would be extremely helpful and appreciated!