Purchased part cost

One of the most inconsistent uses of the word “Cost” within Epicor is the term “Costing Method”. I’ve always thought it should be called “Inventory Valuation Method”.

“Cost” is two things: first, it IS what your PO says (the cost to purchase from your supplier), and second, it IS the “value” you are carrying it for… or looked at from the other side, the cost assigned to the value of whatever you’re creating with it.


Took me YEARS to figure this out… but that’s because “Costing Method” (which is really "Inventory Valuation Method, see above) is only useful on INVENTORY transactions… which Buy Direct and Make Direct are not. PUR-MFG and MFG-STK transactions do not go through Inventory.

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Yeah, with that attitude, that will certainly happen.

Is is complicated? Yes. Is it rocket science? no.

This isn’t even specific to Epicor. This is ERP software in general. You’d be at the same place with any software. And if you want to grow any larger than a garage manufacturing operation, you’re going to have to learn it.

So buckle up buttercup! At least you have this forum to help you. With many other softwares, this kind of community doesn’t exist.


Even as we speak, Erik, I’m working with a company of 3 people (yes, I realize it’s 150% of your headcount, but still…), and already they’re seeing beyond the pain of this implementation process

@Ernie thanks - we’re in touch with you guys already - we plan on talking more after the first of the year. I am going to give it one try - if we can have a consultant help us learn some basics, we might be able to make this work. If not, I am pulling the plug and moving on.

Everyone else - sorry my posts end up negative. I don’t mean them to, but as I run into brick walls every time I try to move forward, I get pretty discouraged and the reality of it really hits hard - we might have to pull the plug if we can’t make sense of what we have.

You’re not the first, you won’t be the last. I think you’re at the anger, or maybe depression stage. lol

Anger and depression stage are literally where I am at. I’ve sat here and stared at my screen for a week, lost. Lol.

Well… yes.

In my post, I really had to fight every urge to say “the costs charged to the job” or things like that.

But a job is the sum total of the (let’s say standard) costs of the components and you’re receiving the finished part at its (standard) cost.

Cost is what you pay; price is what you charge. But the supplier is a company just like the one I work for. So for them they are charging a price to me. But to me, it’s a cost I pay to them.

I try to stay me-centric and just look at costs as value to us and prices as things on invoices. It helps an accounting newbie stay in line.

Hi Erik. Considering that you have the wherewithal to earn a degree in mechanical engineering from Youngstown State and then either start or buy Industrial Robotics, there is no doubt that you have the capacity to learn and conquer Epicor ERP!

Have you attended any user group meetings, either virtual or in-person? If not, I suggest that you really consider doing so. The Americas - Western PA & Southeast Ohio regional group is currently planning a meeting for February 16, 2023. Go! You won’t regret that!