Query for a single Opcode for all Job Materials problem

I missed the Oper seq one. I'll give it try...thanks!


Chris Wineinger

ERP Specialist

Interior Systems, Inc. <http://www.isiamerica.com/>

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I'm trying to view the OpCode of Pick, any job Materials related to that OpCode. The query keeps pulling in all materials for all operations, not just the Opcode I filtered.
Table order:
JobOper with Criteria on Opcode to equal PICK

Any ideas how I can get this to filter properly?
I've tried reversing the JobMtl and JobOper tables but with the same results. I've even tried a display filter on Opcode = PICK

Anyone else done something similar that can help me with this?
905.701 SQL Unicode

Thanks in advance,
Chris Wineinger
Interior Systems Inc.
I couldn't tell by the info below -

Did you join the JobOper and JobMtl tables by AssemblySeq and JobOper.oprseq = JobMtl.RelatedOperation beside just company and jobnum?

--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "redrhyno13" <cwineinger@...> wrote:
> I'm trying to view the OpCode of Pick, any job Materials related to that OpCode. The query keeps pulling in all materials for all operations, not just the Opcode I filtered.
> Table order:
> JobOper with Criteria on Opcode to equal PICK
> JobMtl
> JobProd
> Any ideas how I can get this to filter properly?
> I've tried reversing the JobMtl and JobOper tables but with the same results. I've even tried a display filter on Opcode = PICK
> Anyone else done something similar that can help me with this?
> 905.701 SQL Unicode
> Thanks in advance,
> Chris Wineinger
> Interior Systems Inc.