Hi Folks! I’m having a real problem trying to add the JobAssembly.CommentText field to the Planning Workbench as a field on a new tab. I have a Foreign Key View added to link the WB dataview to the JobAsmSearch adapter by Job Number, which should return the CommentText field, and I have the references to the adapter and BO contract for JobAsmSearch added. However, when I try to select a job on which I know I have comments, I get nothing in the field on the new tab. The JobAsmSearch adapter did not come up in the Adapter Name field in the Foreign Key View info, had to enter that manually. Has anyone tried this or a similar type of linkage? Any ideas?
Try using the JobEntry Adapter instead.
However, there are different performance hits to each type of solution.
The way I normally try first (before a FKV that actually runs GetByID - which can be huge on some adapters) is to try to hijack a field from the current dataset. For instance, OrderNumCarmemberName or PartNumPartDescription. If these fields aren’t used, you can use a BPM to “repurpose” them with the data you wish to see. Then the customization only needs to show and relabel the column on the grid.
Jason, are you talking about using a BPM to call the JobEntry adapter, and put the JobAsmbl.CommentText field into an unused field in the WB dataview from there? I might be a little dense on this… I’ve been trying to use a Multi-Key FKV to get the field since I have the JobNum and AssemblySeq fields in the WB dataview, still no luck. Field doesn’t have to be in the grid, I just need to display the field value which can be quite long.
Close. The BPM would simply query the JobAsmbl table to return the CommentText field to the ttPartSug.PartNumPartDescription.
It would be a Post Processing BPM on [GetRows or GetList, not sure…] using an Update Table by Query.
Thank you, Jason! That did the trick!